Social Media 101
Forewarning this episode is meant for traditional churches who haven’t put much emphasis on social media thus far or are looking for some ideas to improve and get a further reach or audience.
First of all lets talk about some important platforms:
Facebook is number one for churches, it is a quick place to get information out. Frequent updates, can link to other places like the website, a signup form, etc. Potential members also use facebook to find churches and check out the feel of the church as well as information regarding times of worship. Pro tip: Never post something without a photo or link attached!
Instagram is like a scrapbook. A place to show off who your church is, the people in it, programs, etc.
Twitter is Ben’s favorite platform and while it’s not great for spreading congregational messaging, it is a good place for Pastor’s to connect.
What are some steps to start improving your social media?
Find someone in your congregation who likes taking photos and have them start taking photos of events, on special sundays, etc.
Create a content calendar for yourself. You only need to post once per day, always post a photo with a post. Below is an idea of a weekly schedule.
- Sunday – Post Sermon recording afternoon or evening and caption something about or from the service.
- Monday – Free day, you can let the sermon post continue to grow.
- Tuesday – Pictures with a recent event. Example, Fall Fest.
- Wednesday – Save for other departments to post announcements or highlights. Children’s ministry, music ministry, etc.
- Thursday – Reminder about Sunday worship, an invitation to attend on Sunday. Sermon Series graphic is a good post (and can be repeated weekly on Facebook). Remind people about parking, etc.
- Friday – Community focus. Highlight and shout out church member businesses, community partner, new businesses in the neighborhood, etc.
- Saturday – Quiet day, don’t need to post.
- Choose what you want to do for each day of the week and have it printed and hanging in your office to be a daily reminder! You can also schedule posts ahead of time on Facebook. Do all of your posts for the week on a Monday or Tuesday and get that off your plate!
It’s good to always ask questions and try to get people to engage with your posts. Example, on a Tuesday post a photo of tacos and ask everyone their favorite place to visit for Taco Tuesday! Or do a Friday Gratitude post and ask people to share a celebration that happened that week.
Facebook Ads – target your geographic area. $1 a day is enough, for big events like Easter and Christmas run a week long promotion.
Please do NOT copywrite imagery!
Free Stock Imagery sites – Pexels and Upsplash. These are great options for sermon series graphics or just social media imagery to use!
Canva is a great free and easy editing online website
Advanced Notes:
Record your sermons to put on a podcast platform. It is the best way to connect with members and meet them where they are. Otherwise video record or livestreaming are next best options!