Faith Revisited Show Notes
Livestream – The New Frontier – A Way To Window Shop
Christ Church in Fairview Heights, Illinois is doing livestream really well. Something that we are Trinity are trying to work into our plans, we talk livestream and why it’s a great marketing tool for churches. View Christ Church’s Sermons here.
All of Pastor Ben’s sermons are on Youtube. HERE
Interfaith Addition and Recovery Coalition
We also highlight the Interfaith Addiction and Recovery Coalition that is a program started at our church and led by the fabulous Carole Pine. Read more about the Coalition and the trainings happening HERE.
The ONE Thing All Churches Can Do Now To Make Everyone Feel Welcome
(16:50) Sunday Mornings at Trinity. We discuss greeters, children in the church and the one secret we have to immediately make visitors and members feel welcome. COFFEE! We have coffee stations set up at both entrances with lids available to bring into the worship service. What better way to say, “you are welcome here” than a hot cup of coffee.
Measure “Reach” Instead of Average Worship Attendance
Because of the different frequencies of people attending worship that we talk about early on in the episode, try to figure out what you Reach is. Reach: If all members of different frequencies all came to church on the SAME Sunday. How many would that be?
Easter has become like homecoming Sunday, which is a great way to measure reach. Christmas is a better avenue to try and get potential visitors and new attendees.
The Need For -Side Doors-
Side doors are more likely ways beyond the Sunday morning worship experience. How else are you reaching new people? Mission projects or family activities are good examples. Side doors become ways of engaging people that eventually tie them into the main space – Sunday worship. Other side doors, inviting someone to a Small Group. The key to Side Doors – connecting with people ahead of time. Two types of connections that people are looking for when looking for a church are 1) People know God and want to know people 2) People know people but want to know God. Be clear and have a plan for each of those two camps.