1. Finding Your Way Around Church
Location, location, location! Make sure your signage is clear about how to get around the building, the exits and the bathrooms! This is often overlooked but go through the church with fresh eyes or bring in a friend who has never visited to help poinpoint ways you can make people feel more at ease.
2. Growing In Faith
You members may not know HOW to grow in their faith, even if they want to! This includes classes, small groups, studies, clear sermons with takeaways. Have a clear path for everyone on how they can grow in their faith.
Referenced in this section is Ben’s favorite book – Storybrand by Donald Miller. Link is an amazon affiliate link.
3. The Church Should Be A Priority!
You only get out as much as you put in. Make sure you’re offering up reasons that members and visitors should want to be apart of the church and make it a priority often.